
Chapter 26 “My opening farewell”

“The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.”

So begins the Tao Te Ching by the old wise one, Lao Tzu. No words can convey the state of non-duality, for the state of pure samadhi is the oceanic boundlessness of being. Just being. An ocean of oneness, of loving consciousness – without mind, yet without no mind. Mind and no mind, being and non-being. It is peace and divinity, it is God. It is no thing and everything. Our egoic minds introduce all negativity and reduce all things to labels and concepts, which take us away from samadhi and leave us floundering on the shores of existence, like the first animals to take to the land. We lost the unbounded sea of god consciousness for the bounded gravitas of the thinking mind. We lost the ocean of consciousness for the land of the ego. No wonder some mammals (whales and dolphins) turned their backs to land and returned to the sea!

How ironic it is that man has to be released from the grip of the mind in order to know how wonderful life is. As I returned to the state of form after my fourth and fifth doses I felt like a glowing shaft of light had finally penetrated my head from the very crown, like a lightning rod conducting the energy of the storm to the ground. So ends my journey to awakening, thus far. Love is the creative energetic principle that creates all, but we’ve missed the mark in our zeal to be modern humans – thau desiderium. We lose the love and awareness of god consciousness in our haste to be finite egoic platforms like all other human beings. Worse, we model our children to be like ourselves – now how insane is that? Yet, I hope to reverse this sickness in my life – and to stop grieving over it as well. That is also a doing of the ego.

Remember, no one creates the universe – so be no one…

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