Several months had passed since I briefly experienced dharmakaya, the universal unmanifested energetic state of consciousness, and suddenly understood the great cosmic play. As the actor, audience, and playwright then the ultimate realization is that I can change that. Thus, one can reach the ultimate goal – to end all suffering in life, without ending life – what the Buddhists call sopadhishesa-nirvana. To be alive and know it is the miracle of consciousness – yet how few will ever know that they are of the divine, that they are avatars of this infinite consciousness? How lucky have I been to discover this for my self. That’s why I want to share this experience as witness consciousness, whether it is heeded or not. Like a sign to nowhere, it does not matter.
There are innumerable realizations and insights one gets from ego death, as it’s often called, although death is most certainly a misnomer, since it implies an end. Yet, there was no end, but rather a new beginning to see how my identity and ego have imprisoned me by the constant thinking and identification with those thoughts and emotions. I am not only those thoughts. I am not only those emotions. I am the still water of consciousness underneath, that connects to the river of dharmakaya. I now know that I have the power to change my life – not only to overcome fear, but to overcome my spiritual isolation forged by years of conditioning. Conditioned not to accept others as they are, not to accept myself as I am, and conditioned to never be the true me and never truly at peace. Much of mankind remains deeply asleep, unaware of the leela that they’re a part of and the veil that covers awareness, and finally our servitude to the ego and thinking mind, maya – the false reality of the early Hindus. The matrix is real and it’s all around us, we live out our lives in it, but clearly some of us are awakening or being awakened. Perhaps my early vision of native American life was that wake-up call – to see that things are not as they seem, but only appear to be.
You are not who you think you are
Though not for the feckless, entheogens are tools to reach samadhi, rather quickly and rather effortlessly. I don’t know for sure, but their wide-spread availability and use might suggest that we are meant to walk this path. This cannot be by accident. After centuries of repression, both religious and political, individuals are freer to act out their own individual paths, even if this means revolting against their past, their conditioning, and even their thinking minds. Some suggest that the universal consciousness wants this to happen before it’s too late for mankind. I cannot tell you, for that message was not revealed. What it did say was that we are not whom we think we are. So, stop thinking and start being. The release from egoic conditioning is the bliss of being.